Resources for Librarians
Links verified 4/26/2021
- AASL Awards, Grants and Scholarships
- America Writes for Kids - Search for information about authors and their books alphabetically or by state. [
- The American Library Association - The voice of America's Libraries
- American Literature Sites
- Ask A Librarian - online reference service from the Library of Congress
- The Biography Maker - Step by step directions on how to create a biographical story.
- The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation - Grammar Rules, interactive tests - this is a book but there are free resources online. Check out the Helpful links.
- Bibliotherapy - the use of books to help children experiencing difficult times.
- Book Hooks- "The web site encourages both editorial (review/report) and generative (story, poem, drawing, photograph) responses to books. Book hooks motivates students by giving them the opportunity to publish their writing and illustrations to the world. They can email reports to their friends, family and teacher. They can spell check reports online. Students can browse other student reports by keyword, author, reporter, title or genre."
- Book Repair Manual - How to make simple repairs on books.
- Book Report Template - 4th grade, word document.
- Booktalks - Majority of the booktalks that are included here are written for books that appeal to middle school age children
- Can you do the Dewey? - posted by Middletown Thrall Library
- The Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) - Book of the Week reviews, Assistance with Book Challenges,Author/Illustrator info and more.
- Current Cites- "A team of librarians and library staff monitors information technology literature in both print and digital forms, each month selecting only the best items to annotate for this free publication. The resulting issue of 8-12 annotated citations of current literature"
- Database of Award-winning Children's Literature - Make use of this to find the best in children's literature.
- Developing Library Skills - Genres and Library Skills: A Topical Approach - an article by Susan E. Russell, University of Oklahoma. Example unit ideas for teaching in the library with elementary students. "Through the use of topical units, the library media specialist is able to introduce, in an interesting yet informative manner, the variety of materials that are available to students and how a particular topic is depicted across a variety of genres."
- Dewey Browse - Web Sites Classified by the Dewey Decimal Classification System for Grades K-12
- Dewey Decimal Classification System - Take an animated tour
- Dewey Decimal System - Where Can I find... Learn about the Dewey System.
- Study hard then take the quiz!
- Dewey Lesson Ideas - Ideas from other Librarians
- Digital Library Federation - a consortium of libraries and related agencies that are pioneering in the use of electronic-information technologies to extend their collections and services
- Eldrbarry's Story Telling Page - The Art of Telling Stories
- English and American Literature Resources - long list of links
- Google Librarian Center - a newsletter that will go out four times a year - just for librarians
- Internet Library for Librarians - A Portal Designed for Librarians to Locate Internet Resources Related to Their Profession.
- A Librarian's alphabet - The lighter side of being a Librarian.
- LibDoc - A growing database of documents on the Internet of interest to librarians.
- Library Quizzes - Vocabulary, library terms and more.
- Literactive - Literactive is committed to providing the best educational resources for teachers and parents to help teach children to read. To download stories, you must complete the free registration, but online usage does not require registration.
- Online resources for School Librarians - Multi link site containing Information Literacy and Library Skills Resources.
- Parts of a Book - A librarian's guide to all the parts of a book. [this expired page, and the quiz that follows below, is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Click here to go to a quiz for your students about the parts of a book
- Parts of a Book Quiz - Matching game quiz from Quia
- Picture Books- "Learn about children's picture books of all types, including some recommended for their positive portrayals of people from different cultures".
- Power of Picture Book Reading - "and where is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation?"- Lewis Carroll
- ReadPrint - free online library, thousands of free books.
- Resources for School Librarians - Multi link site on Learning and Teaching and Information Access.
- School Libraries - Find librarian web pages throughout the United States and countries abroad.
- State Award Books - book awards by state
- StoryArts - a great site by Heather Forest
- Storytelling Activities & Lesson Ideas - collection of storytelling activities-developed by storyteller/author Heather Forest for her storytelling workshops with students, teachers, and librarians.
- Storytelling web sites and resources - Many ideas for storytellers.
- Taking Care of Books - Great for younger students.
- Tennessee Library Association
- Things have changed! - The paradigm shift; a chart looking at the new look of libraries.
- Teacher Librarian - The Journal for School Library Professionals! There are articles and features here that are free.
- Telling Tales - Group ideas for sharing stories.
- Through the Looking Glass - The Online Children's Book Review Magazine; reviews of chapter books, early readers, novels, nonfiction, picture books, and novelty books, features, a Bookish Calendar, author profiles and more.
- Virtual Learning Resource Center - well organized site that helps students search for quality information for school and college academic projects.
- Virtual Library - Springfield Township High School - Many resources for Librarians. Online lessons and activities.
- World Almanac for Kids - Companion on-line site for World Almanac
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